Lesson #8:
Modifying an Instructional Sequence
Purpose: This lesson provides pre-service teachers with the opportunity to modify an instructional sequence based on the criteria presented in this module.
Overview: Good material must accompany good teaching. Often, good materials that meet the criteria are not available and the teacher must adapt materials to correct these deficiencies. In this lesson, pre-service teachers select a unit or instructional sequence to modify and teach in their field placements. Pre-service teachers use the criteria presented in this module as a basis for instructional sequence modification.
When and How to Use This Lesson: This lesson serves as one of two assessment tasks for this module. By this point in the module, pre-service teachers should have applied the criteria to curriculum materials they may use in the classroom. As a result, they should have an idea about the strengths and weaknesses of the materials. This lesson gives pre-service teachers an opportunity to improve the materials and the enactment of the materials based on the criteria.
Activity Time Needed Function of Activity:
Activity #32 Homework (120 minutes) Synthesis and
Modify and Instructional Sequence Assessment
Possible Pre-Service Teacher Preconceptions:
Remind pre-service teachers to identify the learning goal for the materials they will modify and make sure all modifications relate to the learning goal identified.
Each pre-service teacher should turn in for evaluation a modified instructional sequence with changes highlighted and a justification for modifications that reflects the Examining Curriculum Materials Criteria. Use the following response features for evaluation. After evaluation, provide pre-service teachers with appropriate feedback and revisit key points, if necessary.
Feature No. |
Label |
Description |
1 |
Learning Goal |
A learning goal is identified for the instructional approach. The learning goal reflects national and state standards documents. |
2 |
Unit Purpose |
The instructional approach conveys an overall sense of purpose and direction that is motivating to students and aimed at the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion I.A. |
3 |
Sequencing Activities |
The instructional approach involves students in a sequence of activities that takes the students' perspectives into account and systematically builds toward understanding of the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion I.C. |
4 |
Addressing Student Ideas |
The instructional approach explicitly addresses students' ideas relevant to the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion II.D. |
5 |
Providing Real World Phenomena |
The instructional approach includes accurate and comprehensible representations of the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion IV.C. |
6 |
Representing Ideas Effectively |
The instructional approach includes accurate and comprehensible representations of the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion IV.C. |
7 |
Providing Practice |
The instructional approach provides questions and/or tasks in a variety of situations for students to practice knowledge or skills related to the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion IV.F. |
8 |
Encouraging Students to Explain Their Ideas |
The instructional approach routinely includes suggestions for having each student express, clarify, jusify, interpret, and represent his/her ideas about the learning goals and for having students get feedback. See indicators for Criterion V.A. |
9 |
Guiding Interpretation and Reasoning |
The instructional approach includes questions and/or tasks that guide student interpretation and reasoning about experiences with real world phenomena, representations, and/or readings related to the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion V.B. |
10 |
Probing Student Understanding |
The instructional approach includes assessment questions and/or tasks that require students to show, use, apply, explain, etc., their understanding of the knowledge and/or skills specified in the learning goals. See indicators for Criterion VI.B. |