The Elementary Teachers and Curriculum Materials
(ETCM) Project researches the enhancement of pre-service elementary
teachers’ capabilities to critique, modify, and enact curriculum
materials for effective science teaching. The project uses AAAS
Project 2061 curriculum evaluation criteria as a lens to help
pre-service teachers evaluate and modify materials, while at the
same time emphasizing somewhat different aspects of effective
science teaching. This includes the manner in which pre-service
teachers negotiate multiple discourses including the discourses
of their own communities, the discourses of science, the discourses
of science teaching, and the discourses in the elementary schools.
Analysis of our data indicates that overall,
while the pre-service teachers learned how to use the AAAS Project
2061 evaluation criteria in evaluating curriculum materials, they
did not integrate use of the criteria into their own practices.
Additionally, while we found some uptake of certain frameworks
and criteria, we also found some resistance to the notion of critiquing
curriculum and to enacting instructional models that did not coincide
with their initial views of good science teaching.
Overview of the unit:
The complete Instructor's
Users Guide is now available.
This module is designed for instructors of elementary science
methods courses to use to introduce pre-service teachers to the
AAAS Project 2061 curriculum criteria. This module provides pre-service
teachers with an understanding of
1) how to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of science curriculum
materials using the Project 2061 criteria
2) how good curriculum materials support good teaching practices,
3) how to modify the instructional approach of curriculum materials
that do not meet the criteria.
This module addresses 10 of the 22 criteria identified by Project
2061. The criteria examined in this module are:
Criterion IA - Conveying Unit Purpose
Criterion IC - Sequencing of Activities
Criterion IID - Building on Student Ideas
Criteria IIIA & IIIB - Engaging Students with Real World Phenomena
Criterion IVC - Representing Ideas Effectively
Criterion IVF - Providing Practice
Criterion VA - Promoting Student Thinking
Criterion VB - Guiding Interpretation & Reasoning
Criterion VIB - Assessing Student Progress
The activities in this module assume that pre-service teachers
are in field placements and have access to science units taught
in field placement classrooms.
It is intended that the course instructor use this module to
supplement existing course material on science teaching methods.
Each lesson addresses a specific criterion or set of related criteria
and follows a general
sequence of activities that is integrated in the the existing
course content. The instructor can insert module lessons into
the syllabus at the point where the module lessons fit with existing
course topics. For example, if an instructor addresses topics
related to assessing student progress, then the instructor would
insert lesson #4 (assessing student ideas) at that point in the
syllabus. As a result, the module lessons can be integrated
into the many different course designs. An example
integration is presented.
This version of the module includes approximately 10 hours of
in-class instructional time and 2 to 3 hours of student homework